Introducing Get Fit Orlando…A resource for all things fitness. EPOK has set out to release a monthly newsletter covering local events, interesting content, and monthly challenges. For the inaugural edition we decided to come out the gate with a 100 per day push up challenge. Hopefully this can become a trusted resource for Orlando and Central Florida residents who are looking to improve their fitness and live an active lifestyle. Make sure to subscribe to the Get Fit Orlando newsletter to follow along throughout the month of November.
Check It Out
It seems like today there is a never ending cycle of new fitness information and trends, so how do you know what’s true and what’s just fluff? Short answer…just keep reading Get Fit Orlando. Here at EPOK we want to help you cut through the hype and get straight to the stuff that works. The articles and resources we share will provide science backed solutions to your fitness problems.
1) Fitness Goal Setting: How To Target What You Want

This is one of our very own articles, in it we cover our strategy for achieving fitness success. The problem is people just don’t know how to set goals and it causes a lot of the problems we see today in fitness. Ultimately, setting a goal is the starting point and when you can’t get that right the entire training process is compromised. It doesn’t take a lot of work, just consistent work.
2) The Game Changers: A Scientific Review With Full Citations

A lot of fuss has been made about the new Netflix documentary The Game Changers. This documentary advocates for a plant based diet and makes a connection between that lifestyle and health and performance. What makes the documentary particularly unique is that it takes more of a sports performance approach due to the involvement of James Wilks, a UFC fighter. This style of documentary has become quite common on Netflix and it seems like every two years or so another one comes out.
Personal trainers and coaches are then bombarded by questions asking us for our opinion on the topic. Thankfully, Meredith Root has written an amazing article covering what the research says. Before you start spouting off facts from the doc, check out this article to see what the scientific majority have to say.
Orlando Fitness Events
I firmly believe in leading an active lifestyle and if you’re reading this post I’d imagine you do too. In this segment I will share a few upcoming fitness and outdoor related events. These can be anything from races to seminars, and everything in between.
1) Run Disney Health & Fitness Expo – Oct 31st to Nov 3rd
Disney is hosting a lot of races this weekend. I know it’s short notice but if you’re up for it you can’t go wrong with a Disney event. All of the races will take place on property in Kissimmee and there will be plenty of other things to do when down there. The expo itself hosts vendors, an interactive zone for classes, and themed food and beverage options.
2) Free Pop Up Workout & Activity: Orange County Public Library – Nov 15th
Hosted by Baby Boot Camp of Lake Mary, this free event will take place at the Herndon Library. Obviously the event is going to be for parents and their children. It will be a full body workout, with after training activities depending on the age of your child.
The Push Up Challenge
Now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for…THE CHALLENGE! Each month we will introduce a new month long fitness challenge for everyone to follow along with. For November we decided to go with the king of bodyweight exercises, the push up. This month’s push up challenge is going to be straightforward, do 100 per day for the next 30 days. You can break the reps up however you like. The key to the challenge is a said per day and not per workout. So, feel free to spread these out. Now if you can crank out 100 in 1-3 sets go for it, but for the majority of you reading this I’d recommend following a few of the below examples.
How to get the reps in:
- Do a set of 10 reps every hour on the hour for 10 hours.
- Perform a near max effort set multiple times throughout the day until you reach 100 reps.
- In as many sets as is necessary, perform 34 reps in the morning, 33 reps for lunch, and 33 reps before bed.
- Drop and do a set of push ups randomly throughout your day until you reach 100 repetitions.
Exactly how you complete the daily challenge is up to you. You’ll find that it gets easier each day. As the month progresses, experiment with different methods to get in the 100 reps. I should add that kneeling push ups are okay. If the only way you can participate is by cranking out the reps on your knees then go for it. By the end of this thing I guarantee you’ll be able to perform a traditional push up. Also, extra reps don’t carry over. If you want to do extra, please do, but they don’t count towards the following day. That’s it, that’s the challenge. Give it a try and look out for updates on the newsletter.
I hope you enjoyed the first edition of Get Fit Orlando. Make sure to follow along each month for more challenges and valuable fitness resources.